Missing Middle

The Prince George’s County Planning Department is exploring strategies to achieve a greater diversity of attainable, market-rate housing options to meet the needs of Prince George's County's growing and diverse population. The Community Planning Division launched an initiative in 2021 to explore how more Missing Middle housing in the County can meet community needs and align with the County’s long-term goals.


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Mission of the Missing Middle Housing Initiative

The Prince George’s County Planning Department is committed to supporting the development of a greater diversity of housing types to meet the needs of Prince George's County's growing and diverse population.  

New small-to medium-scaled house types help respond to the need for attainable housing options and can contribute to more character-rich, walkable neighborhoods that appeal to a broad range of residents.

The Neighborhood Revitalization Section will engage partners and communities to understand the ways greater housing choices can address community needs, align with reinvestment goals, and identify strategies to support their implementation. 


Project Overview

The Bowie-Mitchellville and Vicinity Master Plan will be a guiding document formulated through public engagement to address future development in the City of Bowie and surrounding communities. This plan will replace the 2010 Bowie State MARC Station Sector Plan, and the 2006 Bowie & Vicinity Master Plan, and will be based on Plan Prince George’s 2035. The document will carefully examine existing conditions and issues and revisit the vision for the area. The plan will also consider new strategies for future development and any associated land use and transportation issues.

For more information on the Bowie-Mitchellville and Vicinity Master Plan including news updates and recent activity, please visit our main website


Missing Middle Housing is defined as “a range of house-scale buildings with multiple units—compatible in scale and form with detached single-family homes—located in a walkable neighborhood” (Opticos Design). Through this initiative, the Planning Department will study constraints and opportunities in the development of Missing Middle Housing in Prince George’s County, propose strategies to support it, and create a Missing Middle Study and Pattern Book. The Pattern Book will provide a foundation for planning, designing, and creating development strategies for Missing Middle Housing implementation in locations that will be identified by the study.  



Why is Missing Middle housing important for Prince George's County?

Is Missing Middle housing affordable housing?

Where could Missing Middle housing be built?

How can Missing Middle housing be enabled in Prince George’s County?

Why is Missing Middle housing called “attainable” housing?

How does Missing Middle housing allow for equitable housing development?

What are the impacts of Missing Middle housing on the environment?

Are Accessory Dwelling Units part of Missing Middle housing?

What role do existing single-family homes play in this Missing Middle Housing Initiative?

Where can additional questions and feedback be submitted?

Please send any questions or comments to: MissingMiddleHousing@ppd.mncppc.org